A Warm and Welcoming Parish Family
We are your neighbors and friends. Like you, we work and care for our families, we volunteer in the community and struggle with life’s ups and downs. But we also know the strength and joy of a parish family grounded in love for God and love for our neighbor.

Faith Matters
The Orthodox Church remains faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Holy Apostles and at Pillars of Orthodoxy Church we stand firmly on the solid rock of Holy Tradition. For a more detailed description of what we believe, take a look at Our Faith.
Who are the Pillars of Orthodoxy?
St Photios the Great, St Gregory Palamas, and St Mark of Ephesus were strong defenders of the Orthodox faith in the face of doctrinal errors and innovations in the West. These men were considered to be the most learned men of their times and they gave their lives to preserve Christ's true faith. As a consequence of their labors and orthodox witness, they have become known as the Pillars of Orthodoxy. They stood firm against all compromise of the pure faith of Christ.